Amendments & Variances

If your plans conflict with the City’s land use bylaws there are opportunities to have Council consider amending or varying the policy as below.

As each process is quite different, you are highly encouraged to discuss your proposed variance by contacting the City Planner at 250-922-2111 prior to submitting an application. 

Zoning Amendments

Zoning amendments are required when the use or density of a property is desired to be changed.  This is considered to be a significant change and must be done by Council through a bylaw.  Zoning amendments require a process of review and consideration by Council and the public, including a public hearing at which the public provides its feedback on the final proposal.  Ultimately it’s Council’s role to hear all information and views on the proposed change and vote on the proposed amendments.

Variance options

A variance is a relaxation from certain regulations (excluding use or density) in a City bylaw.  During a development application (ie building permit, subdivision, sign bylaw, or zoning amendment) there are regulations within city bylaws that may not be able to be met or are preferable to be relaxed. 

There are two ways through which a variance (relaxation) to a city bylaw may be requested: