Mobile & Sidewalk Food Vendors

Sidewalk Food Vendors

Sidewalk food vendors are classified as food vendors who operate from a pushcart or towed vehicle at designated public locations. An application to the City may be made following March 1st every year where priority will be given on a first-come-first-server basis. Information on the process and regulations can be viewed in the documentation below.

Sidewalk Food Vendors Bylaw No. 1868 [PDF/688KB]
Schedule A - Map of Designated Locations [PDF/18.7MB]

All sidewalk food vendors require a Business License to operate.

Mobile Food Vendors

Mobile food vendors operate on property such as parking lots, job sites and in some cases public property. A Business License is required except for those that operate solely during Billy Barker Days, in which case they are included under the Billy Barker Days Society license. General regulations for mobile food vendors can be viewed in Section 6.4 of the Business License and Regulations Bylaw. [PDF/5.7MB]

Note: ALL mobile food vendors must also meet the fire and gas safety requirements set out below. 

Mobile Food Vendor Safety Requirements [PDF/108KB]