There are two incentives we can help you access for your multi-unit housing development project. A 10 year tax exemption is accessible through the City of Quesnel and the Northern Housing Incentive grant program from Northern Development Initiative Trust.
10 Year Tax Exemption
The Multi-unit Housing Incentive Program was created to encourage the development of multi-unit buildings, providing more rental options for Quesnel residents. The incentive program helps to make new developments financially viable.
The program is intended to provide a 10 year tax exemption incentive for the development of multi-unit housing that improve accessibility as well as meet set design and livability standards. Additionally, development cost charges may also be waived for providing non-profit housing units and for developments that are low environmental impact, if they first meet the tax exemption incentives.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible, projects must include 3 or more attached units and must meet the requirements listed in the Multi-unit Housing Incentives Fact Sheet below.
To apply, you must have a complete development permit submitted to Development Services for review.
Multi-Unit Housing Incentives Fact-Sheet [PDF/6MB]
Adaptable Housing Design Standards [PDF/658KB]
Multi-Unit Housing Incentive Application Form [PDF/135KB]
1901 - Consolidated Multi-Unit Housing Incentives Bylaw [PDF/1.7MB]
Housing Incentive Growth Areas

Northern Housing Incentive via Northern Development
The City of Quesnel is ready and wants to work with you to access grants for $10,000 per door for development of market-based housing units. Limitations exist on the number of units, and an application process is required.
We have completed our requirements to access these funds to assist your development!
Contact information:
Please contact Development Services at developmentservices@quesnel.ca to start the conversation.