Affordable Recreation
Play has an important roll in the emotional, social, cognitive and physical development of children. But sometimes programs and activities can strain a household's budget. Grants are available to help bridge that gap.
Giving all kids a sporting chance Cariboo Jumpstart Program is an affiliate of the Canadian Tire Foundation for Families. It provides funding for financially disadvantaged children, ages 4-18, to participate in arts, scouts, guides, sports and recreational activities, so they develop essential life skills, self-esteem and confidence.
Funding is available up to $300.00. This program donates approximately $10,000 each year to assist children in Quesnel to register for programs. Apply online at
KidSport™ is a community-based sport funding program that provides grants for children ages 18 and under to participate in a sport season of their choice. When kids have access to physical activity, they have the opportunity to reach their highest potential, which can positively impact physical health, development of social skills, self-esteem, and friendships.
Funding is available for up to $300.00 per kid per year for subsidizing registration fees for sports. KidSport applications for funding are available at the Arts and Recreation Centre and online registrations are now accepted at
COVID-19 greatly impacted the ability for kids to participate in sports for the whole of 2020. Even with these obstacles, KidSport Quesnel managed to help 21 kids providing $4,584.10 in grants for sports in our community.
If you are interested in helping us make a difference in a child’s life by donating to KidSport Quesnel, please contact the Quesnel Arts and Recreation Centre at 250-991-4010 or
This program provides 50% subsidies for children and adults on all public swimming and skating admissions and a 25% subsidy for programs offered by the Arts and Recreation Centre and Quesnel Arenas. Residents may be eligible for this program if they are receiving income assistance from the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction or have a household income of up to:
- $20,848 (1 person)
- $25,953 (2 person family)
- $31,906 (3 person family)
- $38,740 (4 person family)
- $43,938 (5 person family)
- $49,555 (6 person family)
- $55,172 for a family of 7 or more
Applicants must provide current proof they are receiving income assistance by providing a signed “Release of Personal Information” form from the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance or confirm household income by providing a copy of their most recent Notice of Assessment ( see Line 150) from Revenue Canada, their Seniors Supplement card or a current Employment Insurance Income form.
How to Apply
- New applicants need to complete the application form and are required to have available proof of financial need (ie: Release of Information form, Notice of Assessment, Seniors Supplement or Employment Insurance Income Form).
- Patrons who have a Leisure Access Card that is expired or about to expire and continue to meet the program's financial eligibility requirements must fill out a new application to renew their card.
What else do you need to know?
- Leisure Access Cards are valid for one year from the date the application is accepted.
- Patrons must provide both their Resident Card and their Leisure Access Card to receive their discount when using Arts and Recreation Centre and Quesnel Arenas.
Leisure Access is subsidized by the North Cariboo Parks and Recreation Service taxation.