Subdivision includes the creation of several properties from one or more existing properties, the realignment of existing property lines, and in some cases, the consolidation of two or more properties into one. You are encouraged to first discuss your subdivision proposal with a land surveyor.
Do not proceed until authorization is formally given.
Find out more information about your property prior to booking your Pre-Application Meeting.
- Zoning
- Development Permit Areas
- City Services – Link to Servicing Bylaw, Latecomers Policy, Local Services Area Policy
- Topography and Natural Features
- Certificate of Title
- Easements/Rights of Way
- Covenants
- Building Schemes
- Pre-Application Meeting
- Subdivision Application Submission
Application Referred to internal departments and external agencies for review and comment
Preliminary Layout Acceptance or Application Rejected (Reasons provided)
Design Stage Acceptance - Design of reviewed works and services approved by civil engineer
Substantial Completion - Construction of required works approved
Maintenance Agreement
Final Approval - Granted by Approving Officer
Registration in Land Title Office - Applicant’s licensed depositor registers at the Land Title & Survey Authority of BC
Release of Security
This meeting is to ensure your application for Preliminary Layout Acceptance is processed as quickly as possible and ensure all required documents are submitted with your application. It provides the opportunity for the applicant/land owner to present their proposal to City Staff and go over any issues/requirements which need to be addressed before final submission. It provides City Staff the opportunity answer questions or concerns the applicant may have, identify outstanding items that are required as part of the submission.
If a professional consultant will be involved their attendance at pre-application is recommended.
Items discussed will include:
- Ensuring the proposed subdivision meets goals and objectives of Official Community Plan and meets Zoning Bylaw requirements.
- Identifies any variances that may be required.
- Road networking and engineered servicing requirements are identified that are required to adequately access and service development opportunities of adjacent properties.
- Development Approval Information that may be requested by the City include, but are not limited to, the following and expected to be prepared by qualified registered professional(s):
- Geotechnical assessment;
- Flood Hazard assessment;
- Environmental assessment;
- Engineering studies identifying infrastructure impacts, requirements and potential upgrades;
- Traffic impact assessments;
- Hydrological assessment for stormwater management;
- Arborist report;
- Economic or market assessment including tax implications, public infrastructure costs, and demonstrated demand for development; and,
- Other studies to address any other issues as identified by Council if zoning amendment or development permit is required.
Following addressing any issues and outstanding items identified in the pre-application meeting, a formal application may be submitted.
Required documents include:
- Application form, signed by all registered owners of the property.
- Appointment of Agent (if applicable).
- Payment of applicable fees.
- Certificate of Title with lawyers review of all charges (where applicable).
- Paper prints of the proposed Layout Plan (see application form for specifics).
- Supporting plans/studies, if any identified through the pre-application meeting (i.e. geotechnical studies, tree management plan, servicing report).
Once staff accept the application and a preliminary review to determine the application is complete, the application is referred out to city departments and applicable external agencies. Possible agencies include the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Health, Provincial Archeology Branch, Ministry of Environment, Agriculture Land Reserve, etc).
Throughout the review process, City Staff may contact you or your appointed agent to request clarification or additional information that may be required to complete the review or address concerns that may arise.
The duration of this period will vary depending on the complexity of the subdivision and whether additional reports or studies are required.
Upon completion of the application review and receipt of referral responses from external agencies, the Approving Officer may issue a Preliminary Layout Acceptance (PLA). The PLA outlines the requirements established through the formal review that the applicant must fulfill before Final Approval of the subdivision can be granted.
The PLA is valid for 12 months and typically contains the following conditions/requirements to obtain final approval:
- Construction Requirements for Works and Services (road standards including curb, gutter, sidewalks, street lighting).
- Servicing requirements (water, sanitary, storm).
- Natural area setbacks.
- Dedication of Parkland or cash-in-lieu of parks.
- Required Reports (geotechnical, environmental, etc).
- Identification of required legal documents (rights-of-ways, easements, restrictive covenants, etc.)
- Requirements from external agencies.
- Identification of Development Cost Charges, final application fees, taxes and other fees
- Other approvals required to facilitate subdivision (e.g. Development Permits, Development Variance Permits, Rezoning Approval, etc.)
After the conditions of the subdivision are identified in the PLA, the applicant must retain a professional engineer to work with City infrastructure staff to prepare and submit detailed design drawings for any roads, services and utilities.
City staff will review and coordinate the requirements, design, cost estimates etc with the Engineering consultant involving other city departments and external agencies as necessary.
Detailed design drawings must indicate the location of all future City-owned infrastructure (i.e. road works, street lighting, storm drainage systems, sanitary sewers, water mains, landscaping, etc), an erosion and sediment control plan, lot grading plan, as well as BH Hydro, Telus, Fortis Gas and Shaw Cable utility plans.
Once the drawings meet City approval, Design Stage Acceptance can be issued.
Once Design Stage Acceptance has been issued, the applicant will hire a contractor to complete the construction of works and services under the direction of the applicant’s engineer. The applicant’s engineer will arrange a pre-construction meeting with City Infrastructure staff.
The contractor will need to apply for and receive a permit for working in the City’s right-of-way, including Road and Sidewalk Closure permit, before the commencement of construction.
Throughout construction, the applicant's Engineer oversees and inspects the Works & Services that are to be completed following the approved design drawings and City requirements, a final inspection is requested through the City’s Utilities Department. All deficient items must be correct before submission of review and approval.
The applicant’s engineer will provide a Certificate of Works installed, as-built drawings and a Statistics Sheet for Works and Services itemizing the quantity and value of the various components, and a maintenance agreement can be established with security in an amount to be determined (usually 10%) for the Maintenance Period (minimum of 1 year, typically 2 years required).
The applicant’s engineer is responsible for maintaining and correcting the work against any defects arising from installation, materials, workmanship, or engineering design which may appear after the Certificate of Substantial completion is issued and until the end of the maintenance period.
Obtaining Final Approval before the construction of works and services and establishment of a maintenance agreement is only permitted at the Approving Officers discretion and only if:
- All conditions of the PLA are met;
- An estimate approved by the City for the works and services remaining to be installed and works on private property (grading, common driveways, etc) is received.
- The applicant has entered into a Servicing Agreement, providing security equal to 100% of the approved estimate plus an engineering contingency.
- A no-build/no independent sale restrictive covenant will be required to be placed on the titles of the properties to ensure the works are completed and a maintenance agreement established before any building permits are applied for or properties sold.
Application for final approval must include:
- Completed application form.
- Confirmation of completion of all conditions set out in PLA.
- Payment of Final Approval fees.
- Payment of Development Cost Charges.
- Payment of any outstanding accounts payable or taxes.
- Maintenance Agreement or Servicing Agreement authorized and related security provided.
- Survey plan of the subdivision and all rights-of-way, easement or covenant documents prepared by a registered BC Land Surveyor and lawyer as required.
Once the Approving Officer reviews the final documents to ensure all the conditions of the PLA and servicing agreement, have been met the documents will be executed by the Approving Officer and provided to the applicant’s Licensed Depositor (any Surveyor, Lawyer, Engineer etc registered with the Land Title & Survey Authority of BC to deposit plans).
The City will request the Depositor undertake to register the documents within 60 days of the signature of the approving officer and provide proof of registration to the Approving Officer.
The Licensed Depositor submits the plan of subdivision and associated documents to the Land Title and Survey Authority Office.
If a Servicing Agreement were entered into allowing construction of the works after Final Approval, the security would be released, minus the security required in the Maintenance Agreement, once works are constructed and approved by the City’s utility department.
Maintenance Agreement security will be released as per the maintenance agreement. The Applicants Engineer is to book a final inspection with the City. If the City is satisfied with the works, they will accept the works and release the security. If deficiencies are found, they are to be corrected. If major deficiencies the Maintenance Period may be extended and the security may be reduced to cover continued maintenance of the repaired deficiency.