The City of Quesnel has multiple departments working towards a better community.
The Mayor is the head and Chief Executive Officer of the City. In addition to the responsibilities as a member of Council, the Mayor has many other responsibilities. The Mayor provides leadership to Council, including by recommending bylaws, resolutions and other measures that, in the Mayor’s opinion, may assist the peace, order and good government of the City. They also communicate information to Council, preside at Council Meetings when in attendance, and provide, on behalf of Council, general direction to municipal officers respecting implementation of municipal policies, programs and other directions of Council. The Mayor establishes standing committees, suspend municipal officers and employees, and reflect the will of Council and to carry out other duties on behalf of Council.They also carry out duties assigned under the Community Charter or any other Act.
Council members are responsible for considering the well-being and interests of the City and the community. They must contribute to the development and evaluation of the policies and programs of the City respecting its services and other activities. They participate in council meetings, committee meetings and meetings of other bodies to which the member is appointed. They also carry out duties assigned by Council and under the Community Charter or any other Act.
The Administration Department includes the Chief Administrative Officer (City Manager), Deputy Corporate Administrator and Executive Assistant.
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is responsible for the overall management of the operations of the City. They ensure the policies, programs and other direction of the council are implemented and advise and inform Council on the operation and affairs of the City. The CAO is the link between Council and operating staff of the City.
The Deputy Corporate Administrator shares the Corporate Officer’s duties, with the Chief Administrative Officer. They ensure that accurate minutes of the meetings of the Council and Council Committees are prepared and that the minutes, bylaws and other records of the business of council and council committees are maintained and kept safe. They ensure that access is provided to records of the council and council committees, as required by law or authorized by the council. They also accept, on behalf of the council or municipality, notices and documents that are required or permitted to be given to, served on, filed with or otherwise provided to the Council or City. The Deputy Corporate Administrator keeps the corporate seal and affix it to documents as required. They also assist with elections, referendums, alternate approval processes, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Requests and insurance claims.
The Community Services Department includes the management and delivery of a wide range of community based services including: North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service, Quesnel Regional Airport, Quesnel Transit, and Quesnel and District Museum and Archives. The Department also provides civic building maintenance for numerous City-owned facilities. The North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service is a regional recreation service provided to residents in partnership with the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) and managed by the City that includes: Arts and Recreation Centre, Twin Arenas, Alex Fraser Park, Indoor Soccer Complex and various parks and community halls in the region.
Development Services provides advice and services related to the regulation of development activity designed to shape future development by ensuring orderly and safe growth within the City.
Development application processing, building inspection, business licensing, and bylaw enforcement are basic services provided by Development Services.
Economic Development focuses on activities that support business retention and expansion, resident, visitor, and business attraction, workforce development and attraction, and occasional sector specific projects.
The Finance Department manages municipal funds and investments, produces annual financial statements, leads the process of preparing the financial plan and performs all financial services within the City. The department is responsible for accounts payable, accounts receivable, maintaining records of tickets and fines, utility billing and tax collection, maintaining cemetery records and for securing all goods and services required by the City.
The Finance Department plans and provides timely and accurate financial information to facilitate the decision-making needs of Council, senior management, and external stakeholders.
Public Works is the City's largest department and provides the following services:
- Water and sewer
- Mechanical maintenance for the City fleet
- Garbage, recycling and landfill
- Park and playground maintenance
- Road and street maintenance
- Transportation operations
- Capital planning
Our community depends upon volunteers and staff at the Quesnel Volunteer Fire Department to provide services which include:
- Fire suppression
- Public education
- Confined space and high angle rescue
- Aircraft crash rescue and firefighting
- Medical first responder
- Hazardous materials decontamination