
How to become a Delegation

As per the Quesnel Council Procedure Bylaw, an individual can address Council at a Regular Council meeting by review and approval of the Corporate Officer, in collaboration with the Mayor. 

Council must not permit a delegation to address a meeting of the Council regarding a bylaw in respect of which a public hearing has been held, where the public hearing is required under an enactment as a pre-requisite to the adoption of the bylaw.

The Corporate Officer, in collaboration with the Mayor, may schedule delegations to subsequent Council / Committee meetings as deemed appropriate according to the subject matter of the delegation and, depending on the volume of the Agenda.  

The Corporate Officer, in collaboration with the Mayor, may refuse to place a delegation on the agenda if the issue is not considered to fall within the jurisdiction of Council.  If the delegation wishes to appeal the Corporate Officer’s decision, the information must be distributed under separate cover to Council for their consideration.


  1. Forward your delegation request to the Deputy Corporate Administrator at least one full week prior to the Council meeting.  The request will be reviewed by the Corporate Officer, in collaboration with the Mayor, on the Tuesday preceding the Council meeting.  Approved Delegations must submit presentation materials by 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting.
  2. Format: 
  • Full name, address of presenter(s) - A group should appoint one or two representatives to speak on their behalf
  • Name of Organization, if applicable
  • Rationale for delegation request
  • Any requests that the delegation will pose to Council
  • *Note:  Council does not provide resolution or decision on matters brought by way of delegation.  If Council considers action regarding a delegation, they will direct Staff to bring a report to a future meeting of Council for further discussion and consideration.

What to expect as a Delegation

Each delegation has 15 minutes to make their presentation. After the presentation is made, time will be given for Council members to ask questions.


Rhya Hartley, Deputy Corporate Administrator
Phone: 250-991-7471

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