Prepare Yourself

The City Is Prepared

The City of Quesnel, fire, police, other emergency personnel and support agencies have an emergency plan that can be set in motion for large-scale emergencies and disasters. The City opens its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) when an emergency occurs. The EOC activation levels range from one (small event or threat) to three (major event). Trained staff work in the EOC to respond to an emergency. 

Follow us to ensure you are notified of emergencies:

Now It's Your Turn

Preparing yourself and your family for how to respond to a disaster will help reduce anxiety and help you keep focused and safe. Follow these steps:

  1. Know the hazards and make a plan
    Knowing which hazards you need to plan for is the first step to getting prepared
  2. Prepare emergency supplies
    Put together a household emergency kit and grab-and-go bag.
  3. Make your plan
    Plan how you will respond to a disaster to stay focused and safe.
  4. Find guides and resources
    Preparedness guides and community resources are available to help get ready for emergencies.
  5. Learn what happens in an evacuation
    Depending on the severity of the situation, an Evacuation Alert or Order may be issued. It's important to understand the different stages
  6. Financial assistance after a disaster
    Learn what financial assistance you might be eligible for and other recovery resources.

For questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact the City's Emergency Services Director, Ron Richert.