Purchasing information

The City of Quesnel makes purchases with the guidance of the Purchasing and Disposition Policy. The policy states the general principles to be followed in purchasing goods and services and disposing of surplus equipment.

Find the policy under Council-Finance tab on our policies page.

How does the City of Quesnel purchase goods and services?

The City of Quesnel buys goods and services in accordance with its Purchasing and Disposition Policy.

Above Applicable Trade Agreement thresholds

Except as otherwise specifically permitted under the Purchasing Policy, the City will provide open and non-discriminatory access to procurements where the procurement value is:

  • $75,000 or greater for goods;
  • $75,000 or greater for services;
  • $200,000 or greater for construction.

If a procurement value is less than the amounts above, then an open and non-discriminatory process is an option, but not an obligation in relation to that procurement.

Below Applicable Trade Agreement thresholds

If the procurement value exceeds $5,000, but is less than the thresholds of the applicable trade agreements, the City will request three written quotes (at minimum). Depending on the procurement, a more formal solicitation document such as a Request for Proposals (RFP) or Tender may be used.

If the procurement value is less than $5,000 or is subject to an exemption to the normal  purchasing process, then reasonably priced goods, services or construction meeting the requirements of the City may be purchased without written quotes.

Suppliers are encouraged to subscribe to updates on the Bid Opportunities page, and to watch opportunities on BC Bid.

Are local suppliers preferred?

Purchases above Applicable Trade Agreement thresholds:

No. The City gives potential suppliers of goods and services of other areas of Canada treatment no less favourable than the best treatment it gives, in like circumstances, to potential suppliers in Quesnel or BC. The City does not adopt or maintain any forms of discrimination based on the province of origin of goods, services, construction materials or suppliers of such goods, services or construction materials in its procurement practices.

Purchases below Applicable Trade Agreement thresholds:

For purchases below the applicable Trade Agreements thresholds, the following procedures regarding local preference will be followed:

  • When all factors are equal, in terms of price, quality, suitability, service and delivery (on time and on site), then preference shall be given to a “local” supplier.
  • The Purchasing Supervisor shall implement and maintain a policy of Supplier Development, where possible, to assist “local suppliers” with their ability to competitively bid on goods and services as required.
  • The Purchasing Supervisor shall endeavor to develop and maintain good Buyer/Supplier relationships and communications.
  • The Purchasing Supervisor shall invite quotations only from “local suppliers”; if and when it has been determined that sufficient competition exists.
  • The Purchasing Supervisor will rotate local purchases among all local vendors where there is no cost difference.
How can I make sure the City is aware of my business?

Contact our Purchasing Supervisor to make the City aware of the goods and services your business is able to provide.
