If you’re interested in purchasing or developing a property, you can and are encouraged to request public information.
General property information
Request general property information on zoning, land conditions (such as flood plain or highway corridor) and whether or not the property is in a development permit area.
Contact the Planning Department at 250-992-2111 or developmentservices@quesnel.ca.
Building Permit reports
Receive a list of all building permit which have been issued from the City for a property and whether they’re complete.
Contact the Building Department at 250-992-2111 or buildinginspection@quesnel.ca and submit a completed Owner Authorization letter to gain access.
City Department reports
If you require additional information, you will need to submit a formal Property Information Request listing all inquires/questions you would like answered. You are permitted to request information from multiple departments, such as information on Building Permits, Zoning, Fire Inspections, and Bylaw Infractions. This information will be provided back in written from. Please note that no site inspections are completed as part of this request as it is strictly a City record review process.
The cost for a formal property information request is $150 (plus GST), which includes 4 hours of staff research time; inquiries requiring additional research will be billed an hourly rate for extra time.
To start the process contact the Planning Department at 250-992-2111 or developmentservices@quesnel.ca and submit a Formal Property Information Request Form.