A Public Hearing is a vital part of Council’s review when applications are made to change the City’s Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw. A Public Hearing is the final means for the public to present their views to Council on land use applications. The primary purpose of a Public Hearing is for Council to have an opportunity to listen to members of the public. The purpose is not for Council to discuss and debate the topic. Simply put, the public speaks and Council listens.
Public Hearing
In Person:
Council Chambers, City Hall
410 Kinchant Street
Quesnel BC
Participation are in-person only.
IN PERSON: Council Chambers, City Hall, 410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel, BC
If you are unable to attend a Public Hearing, it is recommended that you provide your comments in a written submission before the deadline that is listed on the Public Notice for the Public Hearing. Written submissions MUST be received by the deadline at 12:00 pm (noon) on the Wednesday before the Public Hearing, and MUST include your full name and full civic address.
All written submissions received by the Corporate Officer before the deadline, will be forwarded to Council prior to the Public Hearing, and made available for public inspection. Written submissions will continue to be received by Council at the Public Hearing, and made available for public inspection, but all written submissions must be received before the Public Hearing adjourns. Written submissions are addressed to Mayor and Council, c/o Corporate Officer, and can be delivered:
IN PERSON: Drop off at the front desk of City Hall at 410 Kinchant Street.
BY POSTAL MAIL: Mail to the City of Quesnel, 410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel BC, V2J 7J5.
BY EMAIL: Send an email to cityhall@quesnel.ca.
Written submissions will form part of the permanent Public Hearing record. Personal information is collected for the purposes of allowing the public to make representations to
Council. The City of Quesnel is collecting this information under s.26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Questions regarding the collection of personal
information, please contact:
FOI Head
410 Kinchant Street
Quesnel, BC V2J 7J5
- The Chair (Mayor or Acting Mayor) calls the meeting to order and describes the procedure for the meeting and proceeds with the first agenda item.
- Typically, City staff will review the public notice provided to the public, information that Council has considered, and written submissions received from the general public.
- Everyone who wishes to speak will be given an opportunity to be heard. Once everyone has had a chance to speak, those who wish to speak again may do so. If you choose to speak for a second time, you should only be presenting new points, not repeating what you have said before.
- The Chair calls three times, to ask if anyone else would like to speak. Should no one appear at the podium/microphone to speak, the Chair will close the public submissions portion of the Public Hearing and ask for adjournment of the Public Hearing.
Anyone wishing to speak at a Public Hearing can do so by approaching the podium to speak to Council, and once the Chair has recognized the person wishing to speak to Council, the speaker may proceed. Once you are at the podium:
- Please state your name, address, and whether you are ‘in favour’ or ‘opposed’ to the application.
- Address any comments you may have for Council. Please keep your comments directed to the proposed bylaw being heard at the Public Hearing, be concise, and be respectful of Council, City Staff and other members of the public in attendance at the Public Hearing.
- Speakers may be provided a second opportunity to speak to Council, but only after all first-time speakers have presented to Council. Second-time speakers are asked to refrain from repeating their own comments previously stated.
Council cannot receive any additional/new information following adjournment of the Public Hearing. The public is respectfully asked not to engage Council further until they have made a decision on the subject application.
Council may consider further bylaw reading(s) (i.e. advancement of the proposal) at next Regular Meeting of Council (which can occur on the same night) or defer further bylaw reading(s) to any future Regular Meeting of Council.
The timing of further bylaw readings depends on any conditions remaining outstanding.
When deliberating further bylaw reading(s), Council is not bound by the numbers in favour, or opposed, to a proposal, but rather base their decision on the balance of information provided to Council including the submissions to the hearing. (e.g. Submissions from applicant, consultant(s), stakeholders and City Staff Reports).
Council and City staff want to ensure that residents have adequate notice and access to information on land use proposals. The City must, at minimum, advertise or display the notice of public hearing as follows:
Where applicable, on-site signage is placed at the property, which gives the date, time, and place of the Public Hearing, and information of the proposed change. The sign is posted at least 10 days prior to the Public Hearing date.
Where applicable, Public Hearing notices are mailed and/or delivered to property owners and tenants within a 100 meter radius of the subject property.
The Public Hearing Notice and background materials are available for viewing at City Hall.
Public Hearings are advertised in two issues of the local newspaper prior to the Public Hearing.
The Public Hearing Agenda is published on the City website by noon the Friday before the Public Hearing.
The purpose of the land use proposal notification is to provide notice only. If you would like to know more about the land use proposal(s), you are able to review all information pertaining to the file at City Hall. The City Planner or designate can also be contacted at 250-992-2111 to seek further information and address questions prior to the Public Hearing meeting. The Public Hearing is not a question and answer period – it is an opportunity for your views on the proposal to be heard.
Public Hearing Documents
Petition Documents