Searchable agendas and minutes can be found on the City's civic website.
Council Meeting video recordings are not an official record of the meeting. Only the official Meeting Minutes that Council adopts/approves may be relied upon as an official record of the meeting.
Email public submissions for Agenda topics to
Members of the public are welcome to attend open Council and Committee meetings at City Hall, in compliance with current legislation and governance:
- Robert’s Rules of Order [RONR (11th ed.), p.648, II. 10-30; and
- Community Charter s.133;
Gallery seating in Council Chambers is limited to ensure the safe distancing of all those members of the public/media in attendance.
- Members of the public must act in a professional and respectful manner, while in Council Chambers.
- Questions from the public can be posed during agenda Item P.4) Gallery Questions and MUST be in regards to an item on the meeting agenda.
- It is the Chair's responsibility to maintain order and decorum at a Council meeting and, a person deemed to be acting improperly, in accordance with the rules set out in the Community Charter, will be expelled from the meeting.
- If you have questions for Mayor and Council regarding items that are not on the Agenda, contact them by phone or email your submission.