Walking Tours

Historical photo of BC Rail station

Painted Fire Hydrant Walking Tour

On this self-guided tour, you will find painted fire hydrants that represent historical people from the Quesnel and Cariboo region. The tour begins at City Hall, takes you through the North Quesnel Neighbourhood and Lebourdais Park, past local shops, arenas, and the museum, ending at our Train Station.

Quesnel Pioneer Cemetery Tour

Pick up a guidebook from the Museum or Visitor Centre and explore the Quesnel Pioneer Cemetery. Discover the Cariboo through the stories of the pioneers whose names are inscribed on the headstones, from the Mayor who competed in a Roman horse race or the man who saved the village from a dynamite explosion to the sisters who are buried together just as they visited each other throughout their married lives.

Downtown Historic Walking Tour

The tour begins at the Quesnel & District Museum and Archives, which is known as one of the best museums in British Columbia. Take a stroll through downtown Quesnel and our history by following the points in order through the tour. A print version of the Historic Walking Tour Guide is available at the Quesnel Visitor Centre or Museum with additional photos and information.