Expansion of West Quesnel Land Stability project

News Release

At the June 21 meeting of City Council, the Director of Capital Works and Infrastructure Ken Coombs brought forward a report outlining the projected budget surplus for Phase 2 of the West Quesnel Land Stability project. This is a very substantial drainage project which is funded equally by the Federal and Provincial Governments and the City of Quesnel. In addition, the City is also funding an expanded program of road and sidewalk rehabilitation once the drainage works are completed. In total the budget for this project was estimated at $8.5 million.

After awarding all the large components of this project through a competitive bidding process the City is estimating a budget surplus for this project of $1.6 million. This surplus is a result of highly competitive bids received on the work and a project change which improved the efficiency of the work. With some strategic land purchases and a donation of land along Baker Creek the City acquired a large enough piece of land to serve as a project staging area, and a location to place the gravel and fill resulting from the excavation work. This significantly reduces the trucking costs related to this project. By the end of the construction work, this area will be developed as a storm water infiltration area and a greenspace, improving the environmental outcomes of the project.

Council decided to use the dollar savings discussed above to make even more drainage and road improvements in the West Quesnel Land Stability area. Project improvements include:

  • Extending the storm water upgrade on Abbott Drive from Flamingo Avenue to Dawson Avenue. This includes complete rebuilding of the road, curb and gutters on both sides of the road and a sidewalk on the North side only.
  • Extending the storm water upgrade on Anderson Drive from Abbott Drive to Avison Avenue. This will involve replacing a 5 meter wide strip of asphalt, installation of the drainage system, new curb and gutters and rebuilding the sidewalk.

This extra work still falls within the scope of our grant application, with the original funding sources still contributing to the work. This extra work is anticipated to be completed this construction season as well. We ask all residents and road users to please be patient through this very busy construction season.