Drilling in West Quesnel Land Stability area underway

News Release

Vertical well drilling, an integral component of the West Quesnel Land Stability dewatering program, is underway. JR Drilling Central Ltd began work this morning in the Paley Place area of Uplands. The drilling crews are expecting to spend from two to three days at each of the 14 drill sites. The entire process is expected to take from four to six weeks to complete, depending on the drilling conditions encountered.

Drilling will take place at a number of different sites, including along Dixon Street, near Stork and Crane Avenues, and in a wooded area to the west of Abbott Drive near Dawson Street. For a detailed look at the drilling plan, visit www.quesnel.ca/WQLS.html and click on the link called "2012 Work Plan Map."

The estimated cost for this part of the program is $566,000, which includes the well drilling, engineering costs ($110,000), and pumps and installation ($125,000). JR Drilling Central Ltd. was the low bidder on the well drilling portion, at $147,398 plus HST, leaving this part of the dewatering program under budget so far.

The full-scale dewatering program is designed to help reduce land movement in the West Quesnel Land Stability study area. The $4.7 million project will see the installation of 14 pumping wells, nine horizontal drain sites consisting of more than 70 drains, and storm water system improvements for West Quesnel and area residents.

More than $3.1 million was provided by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia, through the Building Canada Fund-Communities Component program, part of Canada's Economic Action Plan for this project. The City of Quesnel also contributed more than $1.5 million to pay for the full-scale dewatering program. In addition to the federal and provincial contributions, the City of Quesnel has invested more than $2.1 million on the West Quesnel Land Stability Program since 2000.