The City of Quesnel will host an Open House at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall on Thursday Oct. 2. The Open House will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a formal presentation at 7:00 p.m. All residents in the City of Quesnel are invited and encouraged to attend.
This Open House is to provide residents with detailed information on the 2013 Annual Monitoring Program and the Final Report of the Phase I work which was completed in 2012. Although this movement is specific to West Quesnel, the impacts on the entire community are substantial and the West
Quesnel Land Stability program is pertinent to all Quesnel residents.
To date, the City of Quesnel has committed over $4.4 million to the program. We know what the solution to the situation is however, the costs for completing the remediation program are well beyond the financial ability of the City or its taxpayers.
"We continue to meet with senior government officials and our conversations about Phase II are ongoing. The West Quesnel Land Stability program continues to be the highest priority for the City," says Mayor Mary Sjostrom.
Councillor and Chair of the West Quesnel Land Stability Advisory Committee Mike Cave says, "Residents in the area have experienced significant damage to their homes and the general state of disrepair will continue if a solution is not fully implemented. A continued commitment from government will go a long way towards allaying fears and helping provide our community with the news that they are committed to providing a solution."
West Quesnel is a desirable place to live and an attractive community to approximately 20% of the City's population. Attend the Open House on Thursday, Oct. 2.